The Ensemble


Gaudeamus is an ensemble of professional musicians whose backgrounds and careers are deeply immersed in the traditions of classical music.  The unique sound of this ensemble is enhanced by their varied forays into classical, sacred and traditional music.  Their musical arrangements are focused on a lush string section and a quartet of exquisite vocalists.

The ensemble is led by Constance Steuer, Pianist and Musical Director.  Anthony Pirollo, a renowned Philadelphia cellist, assists Connie.


Constance Steuer – Piano 

Robert Vieira, Concert Master – Violin

Gabriela Mandescu, Violin II

Alexandra Padura – Viola

Anthony Pirollo - Cello

Howard Thompson - String Bass

Alan Lurty – Electronic Keyboards

Paige Ciplione – Harp


Sarah Agnew, Soprano

Kelly Jones, Soprano

David Hobbs, Baritone

Andy Fei, Tenor